Spring birds

In April I felt like all the plates I'd kept spinning had gone winging off, some falling, some shattering, some disappearing.

And now it's May and May in my corner of the world means migratory birds. I am not a particularly early riser but I do get up early enough to enjoy a bit of time with a cup of tea in the backyard watching the birds. I also am still working at home so whenever I can, I take my computer outside to enjoy the day when it's fine.

Normalize the outside office, I say.

These backyard excursions (emphasis on the backyard rather than excursion) have afforded me the opportunity to see the migrants, some passing through enroute to points further north and others here for the summer.

Harris's sparrow. This bird has been called a showstopper and with the pink bill and dark face I'd have to agree.

Clay colored sparrow. It's the gray neck.

Spotted towhee. The white tips on the wings give kee a spotty appearance.

White throated sparrow. I love kee's song.

Yellow warbler. Very yellow. Don't know if kee's very warblery.

Baltimore oriole. 

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