Dress Challenge: Update

Two weeks and a few days on, the dress challenge is no more, undone mostly by the pandemic. No, I didn't get sick or even sick of the dress. Rather there were so few days when I actually put on the dress over the base layer to leave the house that I sorta forgot about it. I think I wore the dress three times.  So, the dress challenge turned into a leggings challenge and isn't that what we've been doing since COVID sent us home to work?

I also was beset by taking on too much. I believe you  should set yourself little challenges to check in with where you are with regard to living out your values. The results can be revealing and should be fodder for reflection and self discovery even if you don't like what they say about you. Own your shit is one of my mantras.

But also be kind to yourself. That's a different post, though.

I've learned (and am still learning) take up just one or two of these challenges at a time. We all have only so much time and energy and something will have to give if you do too much. Finding that point of too much can be tricky. There will be lots of re-setting along the way. I haven't blogged about it but I've also been decluttering and organizing and trying to tweak my schedule to get in more walking. The dress challenge was a spinoff of the decluttering so I figured the challenge would just flow right along since getting dressed was something I was already doing. I wouldn't have to add anything to my routine, only change it up a bit. How much bandwidth could that take?

More than I had apparently.

If you are wondering why I've written two posts about clothes on a blog devoted to Earth Explorations, I'd just like to point out that how we consume (or don't) has an impact on the earth. I am not putting myself out as any sort of example of what to do or not to do but rather trying to be open about how I practice living intentionally with the Earth rather than taking mindlessly from it.

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