Going Rogue

My storytelling tools of choice are words and photos. In the spirit of doing something I haven't tried before without concern if I'm any good at it, I branched out and made a video that is ostensibly about the field of test of my Nissan Rogue build out for camping. But in a meta kind of way the video is also about doing something and not worrying about if you are doing it right. My van life skills and my video skills will not be making me money, ever. But I enjoy trying them and I hope that in sharing them others might try the #RogueLife too.

Rogue Life is about going rouge on the expectations—mostly the ones we have for ourselves—about how good we should be at something in order for that thing to have "real" value. We don't have to be good at something and others don't have to like, love, retweet, or heart what we do to justify our doing it. If in doing that thing you learned, you laughed, you stretched, you muddled, that thing has value. Enough for someone to pay you for it? I'm pragmatic enough to say no. There will be those who find ways to make travel or camping or making videos pay the bills and I've heard commodification changes the character of those experiences. But even if didn't, how do you put a price on growth and learning and exploration? How do you price the art you make for the sheer pleasure of it or the photo you snapped of a sunset that left you teary eyed and humble with gratitude?

You can't.

What ever it is you want to try, go and do it. To extend what Audrey Sutherland said: Go simple. Go solo. Go now. Go rogue.

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