
f /2.8 1/1000 71.9mm ISO100 Dragonfly

Super zoomed in view. You can see the "smile"

My photo safari for September was a traipse around Mickelson Pond. Naturally, being a pond, there are things like dragonflies about. 

I am slowly continuing my camera studies learning its features in drips and drops. In this photo I used my manual focus. I know it would be a better photo if the dragonfly were facing the other way so you could see its head more clearly especially as I think when you zoom in, the dragonfly looks like it is smiling. But dragonflies don't take direction well—Could you face the other way, darling? There's a shadow on your features—or really at all so you take the photo you have which is not always the one you want. If you are lucky they sometimes turn out to be the same thing which is a lot like life in general.

iNaturalist is telling me this is probably a variegated meadowhawk. I wonder if they all have slightly smiley faces?

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