
Yes! We did it! The goal was 250 observations and we made 250 observations! It helped that there were some serious hard core iNatters who carried most of the load. 

There yet may be a few more observations trickle in. Anything uploaded this week counts towards our project's tally. We actually did not reach 250 till this morning, the morning after. When I went to bed last night we were at something like 234, close but still too far for me to do anything about it. When I woke up, we were at 247. Oh, hell no, we are NOT falling three short, I thought. I went back through my photos, found three photos I hadn't uploaded (because how many white-crowned sparrow observations do we need even taken at different times?) and boom, we were at 250.

So what about next year? Next year, the goal will be to add more observers. We had 5 this year. Can we double it for next?

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