Read More, Run More Summer

I have dubbed this summer the Summer of Read More, Run More. 

For Read More, my read more goal is to read 5 books by Labor Day. I know for some people that's a Tuesday, but I've been slacking on my reading of late. Reading 5 books is an appropriate level of challenge, I will stretch without overreaching. I want  Read More to be a growing experience, but a fun growing experience and not one where I am grinding through books with a clenched jaw and set brow.

If the book I read is particularly enjoyable, I will share it here via what I post on Goodreads. I'm off to a good Read More start: my first entry is below.

My Run More goal is to run at least a mile a day from Memorial Day to Independence Day. I'm giving myself permission to skip the days I'm in the Badlands for a class. I know from prior experience that the best laid running plans can be disrupted with proximity to bison. Any days I have to skip, I'll make up by extending the deadline so I complete 35 days of running.

Riverman: An American OdysseyRiverman: An American Odyssey by Ben McGrath
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A well written and engrossing profile of a larger than life, paddling itinerant; an honest, good hearted if troubled picaresque. Ben McGrath does an excellent job creating a narrative arc about the life of Dick Conant through Dick Conant's journals, photos, Ben's own experiences and meticulously reported interviews , many of them mini-profiles of colorful characters themselves. Ben McGrath is a storyteller's storyteller.

I downloaded the book on Monday morning and finished it up Tuesday morning.

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