Robin sighting

As I left the SD Discovery Center last night after meeting with the GLOBE team, I saw AND heard a male robin. Yes!

The reason for my exuberance is everyone else in my household has seen a robin; I was feeling behind. Not that first robin sighting is a competitive sport or anything, but I am quite eager for a sign of spring.

He did a peek and tut call and then flew away with the low, skim the ground then arc up swoop. I watched him till I lost sight in the late winter dusk.

Of course I immediately reported this sighting on Journey North when I got home. When I logged on FB there was another post proclaiming first robin heard.

The robins will probably flock back up today with the high winds and snow we are having. But for a few brief hours last night they, and by extension I, were feeling the spring.

Further happiness, I saw a Great Horned Owl sitting in a tree down the block and around the corner from my house. One of the household reports hearing it in the morning dark when she steps outside to let her dog out.

An owl in the neighborhood is not particularly good for the robin population but I am hoping that if we do have an owl it will knock back the squirrels and give the burr oak a fighting chance to actually produce acorns.

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